Sep 28, 2010

Arny :: Class of 2011

This is my brother Arny. (don't you see the similarities?)
Actually he's my fiance's brother but since I've been around since Arny was 10 we act like siblings.
Senior photos were very chill - if you don't know Arny he's a very laid back, go with the flow, into artsy things kind of a guy. The greatest thing of all is that I can call Arny up anytime to do another round of Senior Photos. Our first shoot was in India and we got some great shots when we were in Puri and Noida. The second shoot was at Caponi Art Park in Eagan where Arny has volunteered. There will most likely be a third post of us walking around Minneapolis, finding graffiti and Arny sporting his new glasses. Thanks Arny!

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