Apr 20, 2010

Senior Show : Invite

My Senior Show is just around the corner. 24 days to be exact. eek!
Here are the invites that will be mailed out tomorrow to family and friends. 

Four Years: 48 Projects, 43 Courses, 1 Name Change, 5 Jobs, 3 Vehicles, 4 Cameras, Countless All Nighters  - All lead up to this moment:
You are invited to the Senior Show of Kayd Mustonen
Friday, May 14th 7-9pm
First Level Applied Art Building, UW-Stout.
Can't make the show? See my final Senior Project after May 17th: KaydDesign.com/sweetspot


  1. Very noice, Kayd! I dig the shot of you happy-go-luckily screen printing.

  2. I love it!! You did an amazing job!!! wish i could come support but i have my girlfriends bachelorette dinner party on the 14th :( I am with you in spirit love! XoXO
